Wholesale datasets
The generation by plant data is estimated by mapping metered injections into the grid to the generating plant known to exist at those injection points. In some cases, e.g. at grid injection point HLY2201, additional information is used to apportion grid injection to each individual generation plant at that point.
Units are kilowatt hours (kWh).
The data is presented by trading period, TP1, TP2, ... TP48. Trading period 1 starts at midnight, trading period 2 starts at 12:30 am, trading period 3 starts at 1:00 am, etc. Users of this data should be aware of daylight saving in New Zealand. On the day daylight saving commences there are only 46 trading periods and on the day it ends, there are 50.
Trading_date denotes the date on which the injections occurred.
POC_Code denotes the point of connection on the grid at which injections occur. A site is just the three letter code formed by stripping off the first three characters of the POC label - it denotes a geographic location. See also the NSP table.
Nwk_Code denotes the network code, Gen_Code is a name given to the plant, Fuel_Code denotes the fuel type used at the plant and Tech_Code denotes the plant technology.
This data series will be replaced by one that is more reliable and contains a richer set of plant metadata at some point in the future.
Datasets are collections of files that often contain large volumes of data and are available for immediate download. Dataset users are typically analysts familiar with the electricity industry and have a need to obtain a large set of data or specific data on a regular basis.
Category - Wholesale 126 this week
Category - Wholesale 120 this week
Category - Wholesale 70 this week
Category - Wholesale 70 this week
Category - Wholesale 65 this week
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Alternative methods are supported to connect to EMI datasets. These methods better facilitate downloading many files or automating regular downloads. See here for more information.