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Wholesale tools

We have constructed many modelling tools over the years to support our monitoring and investigative activities. The workhorse from this suite of models is our widely-used vSPD model. The Authority is pleased to make these tools available to the wider community of analysts with an interest in investigating and studying the electricity market.

The Authority is of the view that making these tools accessible will lead to a greater focus on market performance monitoring and will lead to more informed decision making within the electricity sector. This in turn has a pro-competitive effect and aligns with the Authority’s statutory objective to promote competition in, reliable supply by, and the efficient operation of, the electricity industry for the long-term benefit of consumers.

An online code repository and change management facility of models and scripts is maintained on the Electricity Authority's GitHub page. Analysts wishing to make use of these codes or contribute to their development are welcome to do so.

The legal information page, contains important copyright and licensing information pertaining to our modelling tools.

Vectorised Scheduling, Pricing and Dispatch (vSPD)

vSPD is an independently audited, mathematical replica of the Scheduling, Pricing and Dispatch (SPD) market-clearing engine used in the administration and operation of the New Zealand electricity market.


JADE is an implementation of the stochastic dual dynamic programming technique applied to the problem of scheduling a fleet of hydro-dominated generation resources in the presence of uncertainty with respect to inflows into hydro reservoirs.

Capacity expansion (GEM)

GEM, which stands for Generation Expansion Model, is a GAMS-based, long-term capacity expansion model of the New Zealand electricity sector.

Security of supply (HSS)

The Hydro Supply Security (HSS) test applies a deterministic methodology to calculate the risk of a storable hydro supply shortage by assuming that storable hydro is treated as the last resort supply of energy. The HSS test is encapsulated in a simplified version of the vSPD model.

Latest tools discussions
vSPD-online: Getting started and fundamentals

Category  - Wholesale 41 months ago

How are outages modeled in vSPD?

Category  - Wholesale 45 months ago

New tool on EMI – Hedging with electricity futures contracts

Category  - Forward markets 51 months ago

GDX files for vSPD

Category  - Wholesale 52 months ago

Latest tools discussions
vSPD-online: Getting started and fundamentals

Category  - Wholesale 41 months ago

How are outages modeled in vSPD?

Category  - Wholesale 45 months ago

New tool on EMI – Hedging with electricity futures contracts

Category  - Forward markets 51 months ago

GDX files for vSPD

Category  - Wholesale 52 months ago