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Retail tools

The Authority promotes competition and choice for consumers in the retail market.

Most of the Authority's models that see regular use are focused on the wholesale market. However, we do provide some retail tools. These are available to help consumers, energy managers, or other interested parties.

My meter application

This web application acts as a front end to the ICP connection data API available through EMI. Users can search by address or ICP to get information about the meter and installation details at an ICP. These connection details can be used to work out the network the ICP is connected to, the distribution pricing code, the relevant grid node for wholesale pricing, and if the connection is set up with controlled load.

Users requiring repeated use or needing lots of requests usually sign up to the API themselves.

Whats My Number

Whats My Number provides a quick estimate of how much a consumer could save by switching retailers. Users have the option of clicking through to the Consumer NZ Powerswitch website to find out more about the specific retail options available to them.

Sample scripts

An online code repository and change management facility of models and scripts is maintained on the Electricity Authority's GitHub page. This repository includes some simple scripts relating to the retail market (ICP checksums and ICP data from the API). Analysts wishing to make use of these codes or contribute to their development are welcome to do so.

The legal information page, contains important copyright and licensing information pertaining to our modelling tools.

A range of other retail tools are available to assist consumers. Tools are provided by retailers, third parties, or other agencies.

The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) offers a wide range of tools and advice to consumers and business.

More information provided by the Authority for consumers is available on our main website.

Latest tools discussions
vSPD-online: Getting started and fundamentals

Category  - Wholesale 41 months ago

How are outages modeled in vSPD?

Category  - Wholesale 45 months ago

New tool on EMI – Hedging with electricity futures contracts

Category  - Forward markets 51 months ago

GDX files for vSPD

Category  - Wholesale 52 months ago

Latest tools discussions
vSPD-online: Getting started and fundamentals

Category  - Wholesale 41 months ago

How are outages modeled in vSPD?

Category  - Wholesale 45 months ago

New tool on EMI – Hedging with electricity futures contracts

Category  - Forward markets 51 months ago

GDX files for vSPD

Category  - Wholesale 52 months ago

Latest retail discussions
Date selection issue in Market Share trends data

Category  - Retail 32 days ago

ICP API Offline (503)

Category  - Retail 2 months ago

Something wrong with the switch summary dataset

Category  - Retail 2 months ago

Residential consumption trends - time scale

Category  - Retail 3 months ago

Latest retail discussions
Date selection issue in Market Share trends data

Category  - Retail 32 days ago

ICP API Offline (503)

Category  - Retail 2 months ago

Something wrong with the switch summary dataset

Category  - Retail 2 months ago

Residential consumption trends - time scale

Category  - Retail 3 months ago