Wholesale reports
This report explores the sensitivity of nodal prices to changes in load, or demand. Load is both incrementally increased and decreased in a series of experiments based on the price response schedule for each real-time trading period and the subsequent seven future trading periods. For each experiment, the resulting nodal prices are reported.
This report shows wholesale dispatch energy prices for the electricity spot market.
This report shows wholesale dispatch reserve prices for the electricity spot market.
This report calculates historical location factors for a region or node relative to a selected basis node. A location factor is simply the ratio energy prices at two different locations. They are commonly used to adjust prices from one node to what it might be at another node or in another region.
This report shows differences average regional wholesale energy prices for a day, month, quarter or year on a map. Alternatively, the report can show the difference in regional prices relative to a selected difference node.
This report shows historical location factors for a region relative to a selected basis node. A location factor is simply the ratio energy prices at two different locations. They provide useful information when seeking to manage locational price risk and can be used to adjust prices from one node to what it might be at another node or in another region.
This data report enables certain data to be downloaded for a single node or point of connection. Simply select a node and a date range, and the data will be available for download as a CSV file. At present the only data available is wholesale energy prices.
This report summarises the distribution of historical wholesale energy prices within a day, month, quarter or year. Alternatively, the report can summarise the difference in prices for the selected regions (or nodes) relative to the prices at a selected difference node. The report provides powerful options for comparing prices both between regions and across time.
The results for three measures of financial stress faced by firms participating in the wholesale market under two simulated stress scenarios are summarised in this report.
This report presents the impact on the cash flow of firms participating in the wholesale market under two simulated stress scenarios.