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Wholesale reports

Tagged with: Demand

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Created: 04 Oct 2022
11.7k over 3 months
50 adds 50 dashboard adds

This report is a companion to the residential consumption trends report. The report presents the remainder of reconciled demand on a monthly basis and allows the user to differentiate business demand by connection type, either network connected or directly connected to the grid. Business demand can be shown as a proportion of regional or national demand with options to include or exclude the NZ Aluminium Smelter (NZAS).

Created: 13 May 2014
11.4k over 3 months
142 adds 142 dashboard adds

This report shows the electricity demand from the grid. Users can drill down from a national level to individual nodes and investigate trends through time.

Created: 09 May 2023
1.3k over 3 months
2 adds 2 dashboard adds

Unaccounted for electricity by network. Based on information, (GR-280), available from the reconciliation manager, at

Created: 07 Jun 2023
1.1k over 3 months

This report explores the sensitivity of nodal prices to changes in load, or demand. Load is both incrementally increased and decreased in a series of experiments based on the price response schedule for each real-time trading period and the subsequent seven future trading periods. For each experiment, the resulting nodal prices are reported.

Created: 05 Sep 2023
697 over 3 months

This report presents trading period demand values (MW) or demand weighted prices ($/MWh) for the selected date range, ranked in descending order. Values are sourced from our reconciled volumes dataset (GR010), which is updated monthly, and WITS final pricing.

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