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'Residential savings league table' instances

15.6k 8 total adds 8 total dashboard adds 7 dashboard instances

This report shows the estimated average and total residential savings available each year if all residential consumers had switched to the cheapest available plan to them (excluding spot priced plans). The report highlights rankings and changes amongst regions.

List view options

31 Dec 2017 and custom parameters

Last added: 10 May 2018
2 adds 2 dashboard adds

Date: 31 Dec 2017

Region type: New Zealand Show: Average savings

31 Dec 2017 and custom parameters

Last added: 16 Oct 2017
1 add 1 dashboard add

Date: 31 Dec 2017

Region type: New Zealand Show: Average savings

31 Dec 2017 and custom parameters

Last added: 08 May 2018
1 add 1 dashboard add

Date: 31 Dec 2017

Region type: New Zealand Show: Total savings

31 Dec 2017 and custom parameters

Last added: 08 May 2018
1 add 1 dashboard add

Date: 31 Dec 2017

Region type: Network reporting region Show: Average savings

31 Dec 2017 and custom parameters

Last added: 08 May 2018
1 add 1 dashboard add

Date: 31 Dec 2017

Region type: Regional council Show: Average savings

Latest calendar year and custom parameters

Last added: 11 Jun 2019
1 add 1 dashboard add

Date: Latest calendar year

Region type: New Zealand Show: Average savings

Latest calendar year and custom parameters

Last added: 17 Aug 2021
1 add 1 dashboard add

Date: Latest calendar year

Region type: Regional council Show: Average savings

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Category  - EMI features and tips 84 months ago

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Category  - EMI features and tips 78 months ago

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Category  - EMI features and tips 84 months ago

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Category  - EMI features and tips 84 months ago

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