EMI reports used in weekly reporting on trading conduct
Latest seven days, with time comparisons, custom parameters, and series selection
Date range: Latest seven days with a comparison starting one week earlier
Region type: New Zealand Time scale: Trading period Show: GWh Series: New Zealand
This report shows the electricity demand from the grid. Users can drill down from a national level to individual nodes and investigate trends through time.
Latest seven days and custom parameters
Date range: Latest seven days
Region type: Nodes (key nodes) Time scale: Trading period Show: Simple average
This report shows wholesale energy prices for the electricity spot market. Parameters allow selection of weighting type, time scale, and regional averages.
Latest 24 months + 12 months, custom parameters, and series selection
Date range: Latest 24 months + 12 months Effective date: Latest day
Region: New Zealand Show: Percentage risk curves Series: 8 of 11 selected
This report publishes the historical electricity risk curves (ERCs) against controlled storage as presented by the system operator undertaking their security of supply forecasting function. Changes or discontinuities with the approach over time are indicated with a vertical grey line.
Latest seven days and custom parameters
Date range: Latest seven days
Market product: FIR Time scale: Trading Period
This report shows prices for reserves (FIR and SIR) in the electricity spot market through time.
Latest seven days and custom parameters
Date range: Latest seven days
Market product: SIR Time scale: Trading Period
This report shows prices for reserves (FIR and SIR) in the electricity spot market through time.
Latest seven days and custom parameters
Date range: Latest seven days
Time scale: Trading period Show: Average flow (MW)
This report shows the flow (MW) and the energy transferred (MWh) across the HVDC link that connects Benmore in the South Island to Haywards in the North Island. For longer time scales, the net transfer or peak flow can be shown.
Latest twelve months, custom parameters, and series selection
Date range: Latest twelve months
Region type: Nodes (key nodes) Time scale: Month Show: Simple average Series: BEN2201 - Benmore and OTA2201 - Otahuhu
This report shows wholesale energy prices for the electricity spot market. Parameters allow selection of weighting type, time scale, and regional averages.