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Daily wholesale price maps - last seven days

Tagged with: Final pricing

Owned by: Matthew Keir Matthew Keir

Shared: 16 Jul 2019
14 reports

This dashboard shows the daily average and maximum wholesale price maps for the last seven days. It provides a quick comparison between days while highlighting any price separation between regions.

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Latest day and custom parameters

Added: 28 Jun 2019
9 adds 9 dashboard adds

Date range: Latest day

Region type: New Zealand Difference node: None Show: Average

This report shows differences average regional wholesale energy prices for a day, month, quarter or year on a map. Alternatively, the report can show the difference in regional prices relative to a selected difference node.

Latest day and custom parameters

Added: 16 Jul 2019
3 adds 3 dashboard adds

Date range: Latest day

Region type: New Zealand Difference node: None Show: Maximum

This report shows differences average regional wholesale energy prices for a day, month, quarter or year on a map. Alternatively, the report can show the difference in regional prices relative to a selected difference node.

The day, one day earlier than the latest day and custom parameters

Added: 28 Jun 2019
2 adds 2 dashboard adds

Date range: The day, one day earlier than the latest day

Region type: New Zealand Difference node: None Show: Average

This report shows differences average regional wholesale energy prices for a day, month, quarter or year on a map. Alternatively, the report can show the difference in regional prices relative to a selected difference node.

The day, one day earlier than the latest day and custom parameters

Added: 16 Jul 2019
2 adds 2 dashboard adds

Date range: The day, one day earlier than the latest day

Region type: New Zealand Difference node: None Show: Maximum

This report shows differences average regional wholesale energy prices for a day, month, quarter or year on a map. Alternatively, the report can show the difference in regional prices relative to a selected difference node.

The day, two days earlier than the latest day and custom parameters

Added: 28 Jun 2019
2 adds 2 dashboard adds

Date range: The day, two days earlier than the latest day

Region type: New Zealand Difference node: None Show: Average

This report shows differences average regional wholesale energy prices for a day, month, quarter or year on a map. Alternatively, the report can show the difference in regional prices relative to a selected difference node.

The day, two days earlier than the latest day and custom parameters

Added: 16 Jul 2019
2 adds 2 dashboard adds

Date range: The day, two days earlier than the latest day

Region type: New Zealand Difference node: None Show: Maximum

This report shows differences average regional wholesale energy prices for a day, month, quarter or year on a map. Alternatively, the report can show the difference in regional prices relative to a selected difference node.

The day, three days earlier than the latest day and custom parameters

Added: 28 Jun 2019
2 adds 2 dashboard adds

Date range: The day, three days earlier than the latest day

Region type: New Zealand Difference node: None Show: Average

This report shows differences average regional wholesale energy prices for a day, month, quarter or year on a map. Alternatively, the report can show the difference in regional prices relative to a selected difference node.

The day, three days earlier than the latest day and custom parameters

Added: 16 Jul 2019
2 adds 2 dashboard adds

Date range: The day, three days earlier than the latest day

Region type: New Zealand Difference node: None Show: Maximum

This report shows differences average regional wholesale energy prices for a day, month, quarter or year on a map. Alternatively, the report can show the difference in regional prices relative to a selected difference node.

The day, four days earlier than the latest day and custom parameters

Added: 28 Jun 2019
2 adds 2 dashboard adds

Date range: The day, four days earlier than the latest day

Region type: New Zealand Difference node: None Show: Average

This report shows differences average regional wholesale energy prices for a day, month, quarter or year on a map. Alternatively, the report can show the difference in regional prices relative to a selected difference node.

The day, four days earlier than the latest day and custom parameters

Added: 16 Jul 2019
2 adds 2 dashboard adds

Date range: The day, four days earlier than the latest day

Region type: New Zealand Difference node: None Show: Maximum

This report shows differences average regional wholesale energy prices for a day, month, quarter or year on a map. Alternatively, the report can show the difference in regional prices relative to a selected difference node.

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