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Updates of the 2019 ERCs. Note that from 1 Aug 2019 contingent storage was included in the methodology. Check the report notes (more information tab after drilling into a report) to see what was driving the change to the curves in each update. Hover over the points in the charts to see how much the curves change with each update.
Updates of the 2020 ERCs. This follows on from the 2019 updates dashboard. Check the report notes for the black markers (more information tab after drilling into a report) to see what was driving the change to the curves in each update. Hover over the points in the charts to see how much the curves change with each update. New report instances will be added as updates occur.
Updates of the 2021 ERCs. This follows on from the 2019 and 2020 ERC update dashboards. Check the report notes for the black markers (more information tab after drilling into a report) to see what was driving the change to the curves in each update. Hover over the points in the charts to see how much the curves change with each update. New report instances will be added as updates occur.
Updates of the 2022 ERCs. This follows on from the 2019 - 2021 ERC update dashboards. Check the report notes for the black markers (more information tab after drilling into a report) to see what was driving the change to the curves in each update. Hover over the points in the charts to see how much the curves change with each update. New report instances will be added as updates occur.
The collection of electricity risk curves and current storage levels. The collection includes risk status curves, percentage risk curves, contingent storage release boundaries, and official conservation campaign triggers for both New Zealand and the South Island.
EMI reports used in weekly reporting on trading conduct
Category - EMI features and tips 82 months ago
Category - EMI features and tips 87 months ago
Category - EMI features and tips 87 months ago
Category - EMI features and tips 82 months ago
Category - EMI features and tips 87 months ago
Category - EMI features and tips 87 months ago
Owned by:
Market share trend and snapshot views
Market share trend and snapshot views6 reports 10 days ago
Owned by:
Corey Kok
Wholesale price, HVDC transfer, generation, and demand over last year.
Wholesale price, HVDC transfer, generation, and demand over last year.4 reports 4 months ago
Owned by:
Market share trend and snapshot views
Market share trend and snapshot views6 reports 10 days ago
Owned by:
Corey Kok
Wholesale price, HVDC transfer, generation, and demand over last year.
Wholesale price, HVDC transfer, generation, and demand over last year.4 reports 4 months ago
Owned by:
Matthew Keir
Market share, particularly within market segments have moved significantly ...
Market share, particularly within market segments have moved significantly in early 2020 raising questions about what is happening. There are several reasons for the observed changes. Firstly Meridian has migrated many ICPs they had previously recorded as residential into commercial and industrial market segments. In addition to this, market share is impacted by both switching and the establishment of new ICPs, with Meridian gaining substantially through both these avenues.32 reports 12.4k this week
Owned by:
Matthew Keir
Updates of the 2019 ERCs. Note that from 1 Aug 2019 contingent storage was ...
Updates of the 2019 ERCs. Note that from 1 Aug 2019 contingent storage was included in the methodology. Check the report notes (more information tab after drilling into a report) to see what was driving the change to the curves in each update. Hover over the points in the charts to see how much the curves change with each update.20 reports 6.7k this week
Owned by:
Tuong Nguyen
This Dashboard gives you a glance of the top 10 daily energy constrained-on ...
This Dashboard gives you a glance of the top 10 daily energy constrained-on amount allocated to a single dispatch station/block and the main cause of energy constrained-on in each case.10 reports 3.2k this week
Owned by:
Matthew Keir
Market share, particularly within market segments have moved significantly ...
Market share, particularly within market segments have moved significantly in early 2020 raising questions about what is happening. There are several reasons for the observed changes. Firstly Meridian has migrated many ICPs they had previously recorded as residential into commercial and industrial market segments. In addition to this, market share is impacted by both switching and the establishment of new ICPs, with Meridian gaining substantially through both these avenues.32 reports 12.4k this week
Owned by:
Matthew Keir
Updates of the 2019 ERCs. Note that from 1 Aug 2019 contingent storage was ...
Updates of the 2019 ERCs. Note that from 1 Aug 2019 contingent storage was included in the methodology. Check the report notes (more information tab after drilling into a report) to see what was driving the change to the curves in each update. Hover over the points in the charts to see how much the curves change with each update.20 reports 6.7k this week
Owned by:
Tuong Nguyen
This Dashboard gives you a glance of the top 10 daily energy constrained-on ...
This Dashboard gives you a glance of the top 10 daily energy constrained-on amount allocated to a single dispatch station/block and the main cause of energy constrained-on in each case.10 reports 3.2k this week