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Copyright and licensing

Copyright material on this site ( and the associated API platform at is protected by copyright owned by the Electricity Authority or its licensors. Unless indicated otherwise for specific items or collections of content (either below or within specific items or collections), this copyright material is licensed for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 international licence. In essence, you are free to copy, store, distribute and adapt the material, as long as you attribute it to the Electricity Authority “ provided by the Electricity Authority (New Zealand)” or the relevant licensor and abide by the other licence terms. Please note that this licence does not apply to the following ("the Restricted Material"):

  • any emblems, trade marks or trade names on the website (including those of the Authority and others) and the website's design elements;
  • the applications, models and tools made available through the EMI website — these are subject to separate terms of use which you can find in the EMI tools license;
  • copyright works produced by a party other than the Authority including, without limitation, letters, reports, submissions made to the Authority in response to consultations;
  • responses to information requests by the Authority, including under section 46 of the Electricity Industry Act. Such information will usually be identified as “Restricted Information” on this website;
  • the agreements with market operator service providers and associated schedules and other documents.

The Restricted Material may not be re-used without the express written permission of the Electricity Authority. Our contact details can be found in the footer below.

The Electricity Industry Act, the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 and the Electricity Industry (Enforcement) Regulations 2010 are not subject to copyright and may be freely copied, distributed, and adapted.


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We may collect statistical information about your visit to help us improve the site. This information is aggregated and non-personally identifying. It includes:

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The Authority holds a variety of information. When dealing with information, the Authority complies with the relevant information legislation, such as the Official Information Act 1982 and the Privacy Act 1993.

You have the right to access and request to update and/or correct your personal information that we hold.

If you have any concerns about personal information that we hold, please write to: The Privacy Officer, Electricity Authority, PO Box 10041, Wellington 6143 or

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The information on this website provides information to the electricity industry and the public. All reasonable measures have been taken to ensure that the information it contains is accurate and that service levels will be maintained. However, users are advised that:

  • information on this website is true and accurate to the best of the Authority’s knowledge, but the Authority does not accept any liability for its accuracy or content;
  • information on this website does not replace or alter the Electricity Industry Act 2010, any regulations made under that Act, the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 or any other laws of New Zealand;
  • information on this website is not legal advice;
  • the Authority may change information contained on this website or released through an API without notice;
  • the Authority is not responsible for the content and accuracy of any information or displayed documents that have been provided by third parties, and does not endorse the views expressed within those documents;
  • links to any other websites are included only for convenience, and should not be taken as the Authority's endorsement of those websites or their content;
  • the Authority does not implicitly endorse any website, organisation, or people who have links or refer to this website; and
  • in relation the member content on EMI, the Authority:
    • will moderate member content and reserves the right to edit or remove inappropriate or offensive posts, titles, descriptions, or dashboards
    • reserves the right to revoke permission to post items on the forum or publish content
    • advises that views expressed by Authority staff are their own personal views, and do not necessarily represent the Authority’s views.
EMI news
New dataset – ICP share by MEP and trader

Category  - Retail 7 months ago

2023 PowerFactory cases have been uploaded

Category  - Wholesale 10 months ago

EMI news
New dataset – ICP share by MEP and trader

Category  - Retail 7 months ago

2023 PowerFactory cases have been uploaded

Category  - Wholesale 10 months ago

EMI tools license

The following license applies to all tools, models, or scripts made available by the Authority either on this website or our via our GitHub page.

Last updated: 20th May 2016