API suddenly returning no data?

  • Last post 27 October 2021
agsense posted this 27 October 2021

Hi there,

All of a sudden I am getting errors (see below) and am wondering what has changed on server side?

Do I need to update my API key?


Oct 27 18:37:18 farm0 Node-RED[25917]: 27 Oct 18:37:18 - [error] [function:Extract price for ISL0661] TypeError: Cannot read property 'DollarsPerMegawattHour' of undefined

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]: {

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:   payload: [],

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:   topic: '',

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:   _msgid: '43e7a779.d760c8',

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:   headers: {

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:     'cache-control': 'no-store',

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:     pragma: 'no-cache',

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:     'content-length': '2',

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:     'content-type': 'application/json',

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:     expires: '-1',

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:     'arr-disable-session-affinity': 'True',

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:     'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff',

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:     'x-frame-options': 'deny',

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:     'strict-transport-security': 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload',

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:     'x-xss-protection': '1; mode=block',

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:     'content-security-policy': "script-src 'self'",

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:     date: 'Wed, 27 Oct 2021 05:37:48 GMT',

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:     connection: 'close',

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:     'x-node-red-request-node': '5922c7cc'

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:   },

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:   statusCode: 200,

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:   responseUrl: 'https://emi.azure-api.net/real-time-prices/?$filter=PointOfConnectionCode+eq+%27ISL0661%27',

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]:   redirectList: []

Oct 27 18:37:48 farm0 Node-RED[25917]: }


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chillr posted this 27 October 2021

API not working for me either, empty data return '[]' started as of yesterday afternoon

Phil Bishop posted this 27 October 2021

Hey guys, the real-time price API is back in business. But please check for yourself and let us know if that's not the case for you.

Something went awry with the 5-min pipeline feeding the data to the database that sits behind the wholesale APIs.



chillr posted this 27 October 2021

All good for me now, thanks

agsense posted this 27 October 2021

Me too, thanks