Open source alternative to GAMS/vSPDonline

  • Last post 02 October 2023
windcrusader81 posted this 28 August 2023


I've been using vSPD-online in recent weeks. Whilst it is a useful tool and allows running of simple counter-factuals, I find that the interface is a little limited and it is also hard to automate market simulations. I understand you make all the GDX files available which allows you to "self-host" and run models yourself. However, this relies on having the propietary tool GAMS, which costs several thousand $ for a commercial license.

Anyway, is there a way to run GDX files and SPD models using an open source alternative? This would be very beneficial to industry consumers.

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Phil Bishop posted this 02 October 2023

Hi there

I am not aware of any open source option that can read and execute GAMS code. Even if you could find such a tool, you'd probably want to use a commercial LP/MIP solver, as vSPD is a reasonably large problem to solve. Some years ago, we tested open source solvers within GAMS and the performance wasn't great with vSPD.


Phil Bishop posted this 02 October 2023

Also, we're not too far away from publishing a new version of vSPD that reads from a single (albeit quite large) daily GDX file, ie all SPD cases that result in a published dispatch price, which in turn goes into the final price on which each trading period is settled, will be packaged up as single daily GDX file.


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