New report - carbon emissions from generation?

  • Last post 12 December 2022
James Tipping posted this 27 September 2022

Hi team, 

I see EMS publishes total carbon emissions from generation, and average emissions per MWh every half hour. I would have thought this was something you could calculate and offer for free in a report, using some constant, generic emissions factors like those in GEM (Rankine gas/coal fuel switching makes things a bit trickier). 

Is this something you've considered, or that is available somewhere already? 



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mhemery posted this 12 December 2022

Hello Phil and team

I was exploring the EMI website for exactly this feature !

When would it be likely to be worked on (even with the limitations noted above, it would be useful) ?

Kind regards


James Tipping posted this 04 October 2022

Cheers Phil. Yep, plenty to do in the lead-up to RTP. 

Incidentally, I came across this chart this week, which looks pretty cool. It appears to combine emissions intensities with flow tracing to give a view of locational carbon emission intensities across the grid: 


Phil Bishop posted this 04 October 2022

Hi James - yep, that's something we can certainly add to the TODO list. It won't be difficult although, as you point out, we won't know what's going on with gas v coal through the Rankines. Right now we're focused on getting our data ingestion/processing in shape to handle the changes wrought by the real-time pricing go-live on 1 Nov.
