Network region shapefiles

  • Last post 28 September 2020
anthea_tp posted this 14 September 2020


I would like to confirm the most up-to-date network region boundaries.  The shapefiles available under Wholesale Datasets are dated 15 October 2018:  Are these still current and accurate?

If so, is there any reason why they would be so different to the boundaries on the the Lines Company map found on the ENA website?



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msouness posted this 14 September 2020

I've had a crack at using R to present statistics against the EA's network shape files.

R script for presenting the network outlines is available on GitHub.

Matthew Keir posted this 28 September 2020

Hi Anthea,

Further to Malcolm's comments.

Take a look in the glossary for more detail

NRR's are true regions and don't reflect ownership (eg by a distribution company) although we do provide details the main distributor in each region in parentheses.

There are 39 of these regions which provides a useful resolution on things like:

  • how the market is performing,
  • how actively specific regional groups of consumers are engaging with the market,
  • helps with things like local temperature effects of demand,
  • identify metering differences that can exist for legacy reasons and can result in a retailer only offering products and services in selected NRR's rather than across a whole ownership region.

The regions are defined in the NSP mapping table. 

For example, consumer retail parent company choice (below) or residential consumption each quarter


I hope that helps,


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