Programs-TPM contains the version of vSPD used to perform the modelling. To run different scenarios, the must be updated, as well as the run name in For certain scenarios, the value of "VoLL" needs to be changed directly in vSPDSolve.gms Postprocessing contains an sql script that produces the charges from the vSPD output. The script loads data from the csv files. And then converts the vSPD outputs to charges for each party. It is not possible for parties to reproduce the post-processing procedure because doing so requires confidential reconciliation manager data (tables "reconciliation_purchaser_dw" and "reconciliation_network_dw") However the code is provided as this is the easiest way to precisely describe the process. Preprocessing contains many mapping tables and the code to load them. Some of these tables are used in the postprocessing code The contents of many of these tables can be found hard-wired in the results spreadsheet.