Spot price of power in Tauranga right now

  • Last post 11 September 2018
icepicknz posted this 10 September 2018

It would appear pricing is returning $500,000 per MW right now for KMO0331 but not any nodes in auckland or tauranga, which would lead me to believe there is an event in Tauranga right now. Where is the best source to find information on node prices etc like this? I've just turned my batteries to stop charging from solar so I can feed the grid and take advantage of the export spot price, hopefully this figure is actually correct and not an error somewhere in the EMI API?

I'm guessing a major feed in to TGA has failed or been turned off for safety from an accident or something? I did notice a few second outage this morning.

{"interval":"11-SEP-2018 08:45","interval_datetime":"2018-09-11T08:45:00","five_min_period":4,"isDayLightSavingHR":0,"pnode":"KMO0331","load":10.517,"generation":0,"price":500000}

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Phil Bishop posted this 11 September 2018

And now you can see interim prices on WITS and EMI for yesterday. KMO0331 is less than $110/MWh all day except for between about 5:30am to 8:30am when the price creeps up to about $170/MWh.




Phil Bishop posted this 11 September 2018

And now the pricing manager has issued a notice from the SO advising that the infeasibility has been resolved, the gist of which is:


Pursuant to the Electricity Industry Participation Code, clause 13.144, prices were calculated yielding an infeasibility situation: 

Trading date: 11 September 2018

Infeasibility 1:

Periods affected: 07:30 - 09:00 (TP 16-19)

Unit/node affected: KMO0331 (5035,5037)

Cause: Deficit Generation

System Operator Response 1: 12/09/2018

Action: Outage time on KMO_T1.T1 revised to remove infeasibility.


So basically it would appear that there was a transformer outage at KMO_T1.T1 yesterday that gave rise to the infeasibilities, i.e. $500k prices, you saw in the real-time prices yesterday. That showed up in the final price calculation this morning, as you would expect it to, and has now been resolved by tweaking the transformer outage time. Again, this highlights why we need the market to settle on real-time prices - you responded yesterday to the 'indicative real-time prices' but very shortly I suspect you're going to see that those high prices don't make their way into the final prices that will be used to settle the market for yesterday. This is not an uncommon situation.



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  • jwood
Phil Bishop posted this 11 September 2018

okay, no prices published on WITS yet for yesterday. But a provisional price notice has been issued - the gist of which follows:

Infeasibility 1:

Periods affected: 07:30 - 09:00 (TP 16-19)

Unit/node affected: KMO0331 (5035,5037)

Cause: Deficit Generation


What this demonstrates is that we need  real-time pricing.


icepicknz posted this 10 September 2018

Have you got a link to the SO page?

Phil Bishop posted this 10 September 2018

Yeah, looks like several periods of infeasibilities at KMO0331 in the RTP schedule earlier today - at 7:30 and then from about 8am until 9:20. RTP at KMO0331 seems to be zero now. The API does not contain errant data. Don't have time just now to look into what is going on. Perhaps take a look at the SO webpage?
