ICP connection data API is not returning results 24/01/2019 - resolved

  • Last post 24 January 2019
Matthew Keir posted this 24 January 2019

Unfortunately, the ICP connection data API has encountered an issue and is not returning results.

A restart of the web app has not resolved the issue and further investigation is required. We expect to get to this after 5 pm today.

We apologise for any inconvenience and ask that you bear with us until we can identify and resolve the issue.

Matthew Keir posted this 24 January 2019

This issue is now resolved. The ICP connection data API was back online before 7 pm last night.

The outage was caused by malformed requests to the API. These requests looked like injection attempts and resulted in the registry manager blocking the EMI ICP connection data API access to the registry impacting all users of our API (including the My Meter page on the Authority website).

These malformed requests were likely made in error by the user rather than anything malicious. Their account remains blocked. I will be in touch with them this morning to ensure any code responsible is no longer running and to restore their access.

In addition, we have also added some gating code to catch malformed requests and avoid passing them through to the registry.

Thanks for your patience.

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  • SimonT