Download Price Responsive Schedule via API or FTP?

  • Last post 25 May 2018
  • Discussion is solved
PaulW posted this 07 May 2018

It is possible to download the NRSS, PRSS via. an API, FTP or another source?

After scouring this forum, the best I can tell is I need to find the SPD case file with a case type of 130 for the short price-responsive schedule. But I can't figure out where those files are located.


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Phil Bishop posted this 07 May 2018

Precisely what is it that you want to see from those schedules? And when do you think it would be reasonable to see it?

As I understand it, the following is extracted from those schedules by the system operator and zapped over to the WITS manager for publishing on WITS:

  • nodal prices
  • an island-based aggregate of dispatch (generation) and maybe one of load too 
  • an island-based aggregate offer stack 

Of course you can find all offers by trader, node and offer submission time published here, although these offers don't appear until a day after real time and won't include any bone fide offer revisions. 

PaulW posted this 08 May 2018

Hi Phil, thanks for your response. Please excuse my lack of technical understanding. I accudently put in NRSS when I mean't PRSS and PRSL. 

I would like the obtian the short term forcast prices like what is published on WITS, but in an automated manner. The purpose would be to schedule power usage in advance of price movement. To answer your second question, in advance, as it is for forcasting, not analysis after the fact. 

It sounds like the PRSS is derived from other data and not published directly, if I understand you correctly. I probably don't have the required software to run the models (even if I got that data).

icepicknz posted this 10 May 2018

I too am looking for such data. I already use the API to get current 5 min pricing to turn on or off devices that are power hungry using home automation however I would like to forecast power spikes to control when the EV charges (perhaps before or after the spikes) depending on my calendar. I.e. if it’s Saturday and I can forecast a spike on Sunday, then charge the EV because it knows I’m heading to Auckland in Monday from Tauranga and need a full charge, rather than charging on Sunday where a forecasted more expensive and more loaded network

Phil Bishop posted this 10 May 2018

We get requests such as this a lot and for some time have planned to stand up a 'price only' API, i.e. no volumes, to go along with the current RTP and RTD APIs. After juggling a few things around we can hopefully have something up and running early in the 2018-19 financial year.

By not combining prices with volumes, we can get the prices out with less of a delay. We were thinking of adding PRSS, NRSS, RTP, and FP prices to the price-only API. The PRSS and NRSS schedules would get you prices at 30-minute intervals for up to four hours (eight trading periods) ahead of real time.

Without making any promises, let us know if you have any thoughts/suggestions on this matter.



PaulW posted this 11 May 2018

Speaking for myself as an energy user, rather than producer or trader, volume has little practical use for me. I care about price forcast and am not equiped to use volume data in any way.

Long schedules would be useful as well. At least long schedules for the subsequent 40 trading periods (after the 4 period PRSS/NRSS). WITS 'Free-To-Air' combinds the long and short in a useful manner, but with API access publishing them seperatly would be absoutly fine since combining them inside a program would be trivial. 

Final price might be useful and interesting for backtesting purposes at some point in the future, but not of any use to me now (again, speaking only from my perspective). I could see how it would be useful to some people in verifying bills. 

PaulW posted this 14 May 2018

 At least long schedules for the subsequent 40 trading periods (after the 4 period PRSS/NRSS).

Just to clarify a mistake I made. I meant the subsequent 40 trading periods after the eight period PRSS/NRSS. 

Phil Bishop posted this 14 May 2018

Yeah, I get what you mean, and we have all of the relevant data. We have quite a bit on at the moment with several looming deadlines, but, as I noted above, by the time July rolls around we should be able to do something that hits the mark for you.

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  • PaulW
PaulW posted this 14 May 2018

Yeah, I get what you mean, and we have all of the relevant data. We have quite a bit on at the moment with several looming deadlines, but, as I noted above, by the time July rolls around we should be able to do something that hits the mark for you.


Fantastic, thanks Phil. Looking forward to it.

icepicknz posted this 25 May 2018

I too look forward to it, no hurry :)

At the moment I use the EMI RTP API to act on immediate price changes, but am very keen to get the PRS to predict a few more things.

My Tesla power walls were installed on Thursday and I've just asked my retailer to put me on ToU plan so i've got my powerwalls charging from solar and grid during off-peak and using the powerwalls to consume power during peak periods. I'm in the middle of going a step further to check for the forecasted cloud cover so I can decide whether I just charge from solar during off peak day, or whether I need to charge from the grid too. 

The end goal is to eventually look at the PRS data and have the powerwalls charge before an event occors, for instance if it works out cheaper to charge during peak time than the non peak, then do so.


Look forward to the next API releases :)