Questions on Counties Power sample data

  • Last post 27 March 2017
fluidmdm posted this 14 March 2017

Hi there,  

With the recent release of the sample data for Counties Power (, I have some quick questions.  From the spreadsheet (20170313_Consumption_profiles.xlsm) it states:

The data is a subset of the full Counties Power network - in this case is provided from one substation (approx 20% of the total network)

Data provided included details of Feeders, Transformers, ICPs, Meters & Consumption - anonymised   Looking at the file 

Looking at the file 20170313_tx_seas_time_profile.csv, I can see about 71 transformer IDs (e.g. T000017, T004021 etc.).

1. Do we Are you able to say what the name/identifier of the substation was that these feeders/transformers are linked to?  


I can see that Feeders are potentially linked to multiple transformers (e.g. from 20170313_tx_seas_time_profile.csv) T000030,F000060 T000082,F000060  

2. If so how do feeders, transformers link back to the NSP or POC code as indicated in the file 20170314_Network_supply_points_table.csv (


3. Is the relationship as follows? NSP (i.e. Substation) > Feeder > Transformer > ICP  



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Jason posted this 15 March 2017

Hi David - thanks for your questions,  

Q1. Do we Are you able to say what the name/identifier of the substation was that these feeders/transformers are linked to?  

A1 > the details relating to feeders / transformers was anonymised by Counties to ensure individual user profiles could not be identified from the supplied data.

For released transformer data this included removal of any transformer details where there were less than 20 ICPs associated with that transformer 

Q2. If so how do feeders, transformers link back to the NSP or POC code as indicated in the file 20170314_Network_supply_points_table.csv (

A2 > this isn't possible with the data as provided

Q3. Is the relationship as follows? NSP (i.e. Substation) > Feeder > Transformer > ICP  

A3 > Correct

Privacy was a primary concern regarding the release of this information.

regards, Jason


fluidmdm posted this 15 March 2017

Great thanks for the response Jason.  Understand around the concern of privacy - just thought I'd ask to confirm my thinking.  Thanks!

msouness posted this 17 March 2017

Are the data aggregated from metered consumption, or measured at feeder level?


Jason posted this 19 March 2017

Hi msouness

The data is aggregated from individual ICP level HHR (half hourly) meter data spanning the 2016 calendar year.

I hope that answers your question.

msouness posted this 27 March 2017

Will Counties be using this information to improve its published loss factor?


Jason posted this 27 March 2017

Hi msourness,

Short answer - sorry I can't help regards that question.

Longer answer -

The data presented here was prepared specifically for the CreativeHQ Innovation participants with Counties providing the raw inputs.  The scope did not extend beyond the data supply to the Innovation participants,

Also - in no way do I represent Counties & it wouldn't be appropriate of me to comment regarding intentions of Counties.
